PhotoFinish 2.0 Release Information / Read Me File Thank you for purchasing PhotoFinish, a ZSoft image processing program for the Windows environment. PhotoFinish 2.0 has many additional features to make it even easier to use. These features include calibrating your devices, an AutoEnhance command to let the program automatically enhance your pictures, and an AutoScan command to let the program automatically scan and enhance images. In addition, there are several new tools and commands to enhance your images. Some commands that were on the Edit menu in PhotoFinish version 1.0 are now on a new menu named Image. A new feature, the Viewer command on the File menu, lets you easily view and manage your picture files. This is especially useful when you use PhotoFinish's PhotoLibrary. For a complete list of the new features in PhotoFinish, please see the Update topic in the PhotoFinish Help program. The rest of this file includes additional information and corrections that became available after the PhotoFinish manuals were printed. ==================================================================== If you let the PhotoFinish Setup program copy all files to your PhotoFinish directory, remember to add the PhotoFinish directory to your path. Most systems set their path in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Other systems use a separate batch file to set their path. Use a text editor, such as Notepad, to PhotoFinish to your path. For example, your path statement might look like this: PATH C:\;C:\DOS;C:\Photo ==================================================================== If you are using a disk compression program, such as Stacker, do not set your virtual memory path to a compressed volume. If you do so, you may not be able to open PhotoFinish. If this happens, you must edit the [ZSoftVM] section of your WIN.INI file and set your virtual memory path to an unstacked volume. ==================================================================== The first time you use the PhotoFinish Viewer to view PhotoLibrary images, thumbnail pictures are built. This may take several minutes. Before you use the Viewer, make sure you have selected the Save Thumbnail Files option in the Options Preferences dialog box. PhotoFinish creates the thumbnail files and saves them so that the next time you use Viewer to view the images, they appear more quickly. ==================================================================== If you plan to install a scanner for use with PhotoFinish on a system that has one or more ZSoft scanner drivers already installed, you must delete any reference to the old ZSoft scanner drivers from your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file before installing PhotoFinish. Use a text editor to make the changes to your files. If you are not sure which line of your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file to modify, refer to the documentation from your older ZSoft program for information about your specific scanner and its CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT entry. PhotoFinish's Setup program can automatically add the updated ZSoft scanner drivers to your CONFIG.SYS file or AUTOEXEC.BAT. Your older ZSoft applications will work with the new drivers. ==================================================================== The Display Calibrate Monitor command is unavailable for 16 color VGA display drivers. ==================================================================== Thumbnail preview pictures are saved to disk with an extension that begins with an exclamation point. For example, a thumbnail preview of a .PCX file has the extension of .!px. If you cannot save a file to the disk or directory where the picture is, the thumbnail file is saved to a PhotoFinish subdirectory named THUMNAIL. ==================================================================== ZSoft has included a batch file that will remove the PhotoFinish files from your hard disk in the event you need to uninstall the program. This file is called DELDLLS.BAT and is on Setup Disk 1. This file deletes any PhotoFinish program files (DLLs) from the current directory. Keep in mind that you must use a text editor to manually remove any references to PhotoFinish in your WIN.INI. You must also manually delete the PhotoFinish directory and its subdirectories. To delete the PhotoFinish DLLs from the current directory: 1 Exit Windows 2 Insert the PhotoFinish setup Disk 1 in a floppy drive. 3 Change to the directory where the PhotoFinish DLLs are stored (usually Window System). 4 Type the drive letter of the floppy drive that contains the setup disk, followed by deldlls. For example, if the disk is in drive A:, you would type: a:deldlls 5 Follow the directions that appear on your screen. If you think you might need to remove PhotoFinish in the future, install the PhotoFinish program files to the PhotoFinish directory when you are prompted by the Setup program. You must add the PhotoFinish directory to your path if you choose this option. This option makes deleting PhotoFinish and its associated files as simple as deleting your PhotoFinish directory and its subdirectories. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDITIONAL SCANNER SUPPORT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Information about the scanners included in the program since the PhotoFinish Installation Guide went to print is included in your PhotoFinish Setup Help and is also listed below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***Jovian SuperVIA video capture*** The Jovian SuperVIA Video Capture Board uses the SVIA.EXE driver provided by ZSoft. CONFIG.SYS entry: device=SVIA.EXE Remember to add SVIA.EXE to your path if you install the PhotoFinish files into your PhotoFinish directory. Video Mode Parameters -------------- ---------- NTSC The default for this scanner. PAL Adds the /0 parameter. Machine Type Parameters ------------ ---------- AT bus(ISA) The default for this scanner. Microchannel(MCA) Adds the /1 parameter. Supported Settings ------------------ Brightness 255 settings Contrast none Colors B&W, 256 gray levels, 24 bit color Halftones none Resolutions Default: 320x240, 320x480, 426x240, 426x480, 640x480 (NTSC) Adds /0 to your device driver entry: 320x290, 320x580, 426x290, 426x580 (PAL) ***Niscan Spectra*** The Niscan Spectra uses the SAPI.EXE and the SPECTRA.SYS drivers provided by ZSoft. CONFIG.SYS entry: device=SPECTRA.SYS device=SAPI.EXE SPECTRA.SYS must appear before SAPI.EXE in the CONFIG.SYS file. Remember to add SPECTRA.SYS and SAPI.EXE to your path if you install the PhotoFinish files into your PhotoFinish directory. Port Number Parameters ------------ ---------- COM 1 Adds the /P=1 parameter to the SPECTRA.SYS line. COM 2 Adds the /P=2 parameter to the SPECTRA.SYS line. COM 3 Adds the /P=3 parameter to the SPECTRA.SYS line. COM 4 Adds the /P=4 parameter to the SPECTRA.SYS line. Baud Rate Parameters --------- ---------- 9600 Adds the /B=0 parameter to the SPECTRA.SYS line. 19200 Adds the /B=1 parameter to the SPECTRA.SYS line. 38400 Adds the /B=2 parameter to the SPECTRA.SYS line. 57600 Adds the /B=3 parameter to the SPECTRA.SYS line. Supported Settings ------------------ Brightness 7 options Contrast 1 options Colors B&W; 4, 16, 64, and 256 gray levels; and 24 bit color Halftones 3 options Resolutions 400x400 to 25x25, custom by increments of 25. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS TO SCANNER OPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Complete PC FullPage Scanner: The default DMA channel is Channel 3. Complete PC HalfPage Scanner, Complete PC HalfPage/GS Scanner, Complete PC Half Page Scanner /400, Complete PC Hand Scanner /400: The character following the slash in the parameter that sets the address is the letter "o." The character following the slash in the parameter that sets the DMA channel is the letter "d." The character following the slash in the parameter that sets the IRQ number is the letter "i." If you are using DOS 5.0, you can load DOS high with these scanners. DFI Handy Scanner 3000: The default DMA channel is Channel 1 and uses the /C1 parameter. DMA Channel 3 uses the /C3 parameter. DFI Handy Scanner CHS4000: This scanner uses Port 270H as the default. You can also choose Port 370H, which adds the /P1 parameter. All Epson scanners: The low resolutions which are the default for these scanners are: 360, 300, 200, 150, 100, and 72 dpi. Intel SatisFAXtion: You select the Address and Options listed in the manual when you use the Intel software to install your board. The drivers you install with the Intel software are the SATISFAX.SYS and the HHSCAN.SYS drivers. You use the PhotoFinish Setup program to install SAPI.EXE. Marstek 128 Hand Scanner with Old Interface Card: The default DMA channel is Channel 1. Marstek M-6000CG: Additional port addresses you can choose are 2EBH, which adds a2eb, and 22BH, which adds a22b to your driver entry. This scanner also uses IRQ 2, 4, and 7. IRQ2 adds /i2, IRQ4 adds /i4, and IRQ7 adds /i7 to your driver entry. Niscan/GS: The correct driver for this scanner is NISCANGS.SYS. Panasonic FX-RS307, FX-RS505, and FX-RS506: The character following the slash in the parameter that sets the address for these scanners is the letter "p." DMA I/O is not available for these scanners. You select Interrupt settings for these scanners. Interrupt 50H adds /v50 to the MEISCANX.COM device driver entry; 60h adds /V60; 61H adds /v61; 62H adds /v62; and 63H adds /v63. Ricoh RS312: If you want to scan with a resolution of 300 dpi only, add /S1C to your device driver entry and delete any /Rx parameter from the entry. Sharp JX-300: Support for the Sharp JX-300 for Microchannel has been discontinued. Support for the ISA version remains.